Beituskúrinn - The Bait Shack - Neskaupstaður, Iceland
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Beituskúrinn - The Bait Shack
Egilsbraut 26, Neskaupstaður, Iceland
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In the 1800s Iceland bought many of its houses prefabricated from Norway, Beituskurinn is one of these. It arrived in the Eastern fjords 1890s and started its life as housing for one of the whaling stations. When the station closed the house was packed up and brought by sea to Neskaupstadur to start its next life on one the towns dock-piers. For the next 40 years the building housed 4 sailors over the summer fishing season, and barrels of salted cod – bacalao. I fishy scented home for sure.
In the late 30s the summer fishermen moved out and fishing equipment moved in. Workers would sit amongst the nets and floats, baiting fishing lines for the next trip to sea; hence the name Beituskurinn (baitshack). For the next 80 years the walls absorbed the smell of scales of fish, until 2016,
Over the next year the family cleaned, repaired, and painted until, in the summer of 2017, they opened the doors to a transformed Beituskurinn, no longer a home of fishing tackle but a bar/restaurant.
Now, on a sunny summer day, instead of baiting lines, you can sit on the deck with the waves lapping below you, watching whales breach less than 50 meters off shore. Dive off the pier and warm yourself with a warm meal and a blanket. Come for a concert, or just to share a quiet drink with friends.
In the late 30s the summer fishermen moved out and fishing equipment moved in. Workers would sit amongst the nets and floats, baiting fishing lines for the next trip to sea; hence the name Beituskurinn (baitshack). For the next 80 years the walls absorbed the smell of scales of fish, until 2016,
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when Hildibrand decided to build a bar.Over the next year the family cleaned, repaired, and painted until, in the summer of 2017, they opened the doors to a transformed Beituskurinn, no longer a home of fishing tackle but a bar/restaurant.
Now, on a sunny summer day, instead of baiting lines, you can sit on the deck with the waves lapping below you, watching whales breach less than 50 meters off shore. Dive off the pier and warm yourself with a warm meal and a blanket. Come for a concert, or just to share a quiet drink with friends.
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