Thor-Ice - Reykjavík, Iceland
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Gullbringusysla, Reykjavík, Iceland
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Establishment year 2005
Employees 1-10
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Company description
Thor-Ice Chilling Solutions ehf. is a leader in the industry for making and managing Slurry Ice systems, which are used for quick chilling of fish, poultry, and other food products. Since 2002, the company has been at the forefront of developing and implementing Flo-ice, binary ice, sjapis, Ice Slurry, and other technologies in the food processing sector. To meet the demand for rapid chilling of various raw foodstuff, Thor-Ice has employed extensive engineering, mechanical, biological, and business knowledge to develop and implement innovative solutions. They have worked closely with scientists in Iceland, Denmark, and Holland; as well as food research institutes and leading food processors, to develop and install technology with the goal of improving the freshness, quality, and safety of food products, while ensuring their solutions are environmentally friendly.
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