Oxymap - Reykjavík, Iceland

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Gullbringusysla, Reykjavík, Iceland
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Establishment year 2002
Employees 1-10
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Company description
Established in Reykjavik in 2002, Oxymap is an Icelandic company whose main product is the Oxymap T1, a non-invasive ocular measurement solution. This breakthrough technology is used by eye-care professionals and clinical researchers to gain insight into common eye diseases. The Oxymap T1 is an add-on to a fundus camera that allows for non-invasive retinal oxygen saturation and vessel-width measurements. All data is accessible with a single image, making the device and accompanying software user-friendly. Customers at many international institutions rely on the Oxymap T1 for their investigations. To ensure the highest quality, Oxymap's development team values customer feedback and follows an ISO 13485-based quality management process. Product assembly is done by specialised contractors  
Show more and the final validation is done in-house. Additionally, experienced employees provide installation, training and customer support for the Oxymap T1.


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