PatternVision - Reykjavík, Iceland
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Gullbringusysla, Reykjavík, Iceland
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Establishment year 2000
Employees 1-10
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Company description
PatternVision is an expert in T-Pattern Detection and Analysis (TPA), using their specially developed THEME™ software to identify and analyze subtle, recurring temporal and sometimes multimodal patterns in behavior, with special attention to interactions from brain neuron populations in live brains to human behavior such as courtship, sports, children's play, and patient interactions. TPA is the ideal analysis for any data that can be presented as repeated events over time, and Theme is the only existing TPA software, having been developed and used by leading US and European universities for many years. Its highly efficient algorithms have often enabled the detection of intricate patterns that are not visible to the unaided eye or to other methods and software.
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