Jivaro - Reykjavík, Iceland
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Gullbringusysla, Reykjavík, Iceland
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Establishment year 2011
Employees 1-10
Company description
Jivaro ehf. is an Icelandic software company that was established in May 2011 with the mission of developing a revolutionary platform solution for online poker players. Currently, the team is comprised of seven members, most of whom are based in Reykjavik, Iceland. Drawing upon the expertise of professionals from the online gaming, banking, and poker industries, the team has the necessary experience to create a social and dynamic poker community with the best available tools, education, and entertainment. Furthermore, they prioritize community involvement and empower their members to have a say in the direction of the organization. They understand that the best solutions come from collaborative effort and are tailored to the specific needs of the users.
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