Tourdesk - Reykjavík, Iceland
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Lækjartorg 5, 101, Reykjavík, Iceland
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Working hours
- Monday: 9 AM - 5 PM
- Tuesday: 9 AM - 5 PM
- Wednesday: 9 AM - 5 PM
- Thursday: 9 AM - 5 PM
- Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
The white-label software solution not only allows the desk staff to easily and securely book tours for the guests, but also allows the guests themselves to look over the selection and book tours on their own.
The user interface can be personalized to integrate perfectly with your brand; everything from the website's URL to the selection of tours on your offer can be adapted to fit the needs of your business and your customers. This feature of the TourDesk service opens up new revenue streams, by allowing people to book tours before their arrival, by email, or up in their rooms. A real-time connection with the vendors ensures that tour availability is always up-to-date, thus eliminating booking errors.
The sales-driven business model is based on high-quality customer service. By making
TourDesk won't create any extra costs, just increase your revenue and make your life easier.
The user interface can be personalized to integrate perfectly with your brand; everything from the website's URL to the selection of tours on your offer can be adapted to fit the needs of your business and your customers. This feature of the TourDesk service opens up new revenue streams, by allowing people to book tours before their arrival, by email, or up in their rooms. A real-time connection with the vendors ensures that tour availability is always up-to-date, thus eliminating booking errors.
The sales-driven business model is based on high-quality customer service. By making
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sure that the customer knows about the tours on offer and has around-the-clock access to booking them, with or without any assistance, TourDesk is dedicated to increasing your revenue, increasing the level of service to your customers and reducing work for your staff.TourDesk won't create any extra costs, just increase your revenue and make your life easier.
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